SMK Taman Desa,Kuala Lumpur : Kami Cemerlang, SMKTD Terbilang- "We Excel, SMKTD is the Best of the Best"

01 May 2007

Students exhibit their prowess on the field

The 20th annual Sports day of SMK Taman Desa was held on the 25th of April 2007, on a sweltering morning at the school field. The hot weather signified intense competition and great excitement ahead!

We were most honoured to have the Chairman of the PTA , Mr. Chang Kim Loong, AMN to grace the occasion.

The day kicked off with the traditional march past .

The smartly dressed uniform groups and students from four houses, Red, Blue, Green and Yellow in bright and colourful apparels marching in step with the beats and rhythms of the Boys’ Brigade Band.
They then assembled in the middle of the school field to take the oath to participate in the events in the spirit of true sportsmanship.

All participants displayed great sportsmanship and demonstrated the great strength of Desarian Spirit.

The athletes were running like they would never run again!

Even the staff and the Committee Members of the PTA had fun!

A martial arts demonstration by the School Taekwondo club

The overall champion trophy was seized by Blue house, followed by Green in second, Yellow in third and Red the fourth place. Albert Cheong from Blue house was crowned the Sportsman 0f the year, 2007

Albert Cheong receiving his trophy from Mr Chang Kim Loong,AMN

After three cheers of victory led by the Sports Secretary, the day’s events were brought to a close.

A special "thank you" to all Committee Members of PTA , parents and ex-desarians for taking time off to come to share this special day with us. Your presence had made the day a memorable one.


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